Van Wijngen International optimises load factor and planning using the Teleroute freight exchange platform

The benefits of Teleroute are very clear to our company. The freight exchange solution provides us a benefit of 5 till 7 percent on for example our transit lane towards Lyon in France.” - Erik Schut , Company Director of Jonker & Schut

What can you do with Teleroute?

Advertise your freight to 85,000 users

With more than 85,000 verified users each day, the Teleroute freight exchange is perfect for freight forwarders to take on any new order and find a truck. Never say no to a customer again!

99.99% secure transactions

Thanks to all the tools from our Safe Market Place programme, 99.99% of deals made on our freight exchange are secure.

Find freight among our 350,000 daily offers

With so many offers posted every day on the Teleroute freight exchange, you can easily and quickly expand your network of reliable contacts in Europe.

Reduce empty running by 43%

No more empty trucks for transporters: find a freight offer on our one-click interface, earn extra revenues and increase your efficiency.

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