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Teleroute : un partenariat stratégique qui renforce le groupe Primever

Teleroute : un partenariat stratégique qui renforce le groupe Primever

Dans un secteur aussi exigeant que le transport sous température dirigée, la fiabilité et la qualité de service sont primordiales. Le témoignage de madame Goreti Ferreira, FTL International Development Manager du groupe Primever, met en lumière comment Teleroute répond à ces enjeux cruciaux.

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Teleroute : un partenariat stratégique qui renforce le groupe Primever

Les bourses de fret : l’atout majeur de la logistique moderne

Les bourses de fret : l’atout majeur de la logistique moderne

Le secteur de la logistique est aujourd'hui confronté à de nombreux défis : des chaînes d'approvisionnement morcelées, des marchés instables et une recherche de fret souvent difficile. Face à ces enjeux, les bourses de fret offrent une plateforme centralisée où transporteurs, commissionnaires et chargeurs peuvent interagir, collaborer et optimiser leurs activités.

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Les bourses de fret : l’atout majeur de la logistique moderne

Oferty frachtów na Francję, Włochy i Hiszpanię – Teleroute

Oferty frachtów na Francję, Włochy i Hiszpanię – Teleroute

Na dzisiejszym dynamicznym rynku transportowym kluczem do sukcesu jest wybór odpowiedniej platformy, która w bezpieczny i skuteczny sposób umożliwi pozyskiwanie ofert ładunków. Jedną z najbardziej renomowanych i zaufanych giełd transportowych w Europie jest Teleroute.

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Oferty frachtów na Francję, Włochy i Hiszpanię – Teleroute

5 tips to optimize cash flow in transport & logistics

5 tips to optimize cash flow in transport & logistics

Here's how you can achieve a healthy cash flow for your transport company...

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5 tips to optimize cash flow in transport & logistics

The types of trucks circulating on our roads

The types of trucks circulating on our roads

A trip on any highway gives us an overview of most of the trucks on the European roads today

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The types of trucks circulating on our roads

Want to Unlock the Secrets of Freight Exchanges Success?

Want to Unlock the Secrets of Freight Exchanges Success?

Are you a small or medium-sized carrier looking to streamline your operations? Curious to find freight matches, evaluate potential partners, and navigate local traffic restrictions? Look no further – the Freight Exchange Industry Guide is here to support you every step of the way.

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Want to Unlock the Secrets of Freight Exchanges Success?

Teleroute Pays Tribute to the 2024 Paris Logistics Heroes

Teleroute Pays Tribute to the 2024 Paris Logistics Heroes

As the world eagerly anticipates the 2024 Games in Paris, Alpega proudly shines a spotlight on the unsung heroes behind this monumental event—the logistics industry. Our campaign, "You Move the Games That Move the World," celebrates the crucial role of logistics in ensuring the execution of the, from transporting athletes to delivering essential supplies.

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Teleroute Pays Tribute to the 2024 Paris Logistics Heroes

Navigating Secure Paths: How Alpega Freight Exchanges Safeguards Your Shipments and Payments

Navigating Secure Paths: How Alpega Freight Exchanges Safeguards Your Shipments and Payments

Freight exchanges serve as crucial hubs for connecting carriers, freight forwarders and shippers, but like any other platform facilitating transactions, freight exchanges may encounter potential risks.

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Navigating Secure Paths: How Alpega Freight Exchanges Safeguards Your Shipments and Payments

The best resting areas for carriers in Europe

The best resting areas for carriers in Europe

Many people say that if you want to know which restaurant serves good food or where to take a break during a road trip, ask a carrier.

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The best resting areas for carriers in Europe

A practical guide to obtaining a truck license

A practical guide to obtaining a truck license

The truck driver profession is one of those that, on many occasions, is passed down from father to son. It is pretty common that there are several generations of truck drivers in the same family, making it a very vocational profession. However, a series of conditions must be met.

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A practical guide to obtaining a truck license